Complete Journey to Recovery: A Detailed Guide on Injury Management and Smoother Transitions from Activity to Sports and Competitive Play

In competitive sports and physical activity, the risk of injury is an ever-present concern1. As a part of a comprehensive athletic development program, robust injury management systems and effective return to play strategies are crucial for athletes of all ages and skill levels. Return to play (RTP) can be defined as the criteria-based progression to medical clearance from injury, with continued criteria-based decisions to ensure availability for competition and performance, while simultaneously mitigating the risk of re-injury. This article outlines the journey towards complete recovery, highlighting the key aspects of injury management and how a smooth reintegration into competitive play can be facilitated.

Figure 1. Return to Play Model Overview.

hobbs rtp model

LEVEL 1: Initial Injury Management – Balancing Action and Rest


In the career of an athlete, sports injuries are all but inevitable due to the physical demands on their bodies. The management of both acute and chronic injuries requires a systematic approach to ensure the best recovery, as poor management can extend recovery time and increase reinjury risk2, greatly affecting an athlete’s career. Critical strategies for injury management include relative rest, promotion of tolerable movement, and inflammation/swelling control. This section will guide coaches and athletes in effectively implementing these strategies for acute sports injuries.

Phase 1 – Promote healing.

Once immediate first aid or critical medical care has been administered, the initial phase towards recovery and return to sport involves managing the initial pain and discomfort, safeguarding the injury site, minimizing inflammation, and sustaining at least minimal levels of physical activity.

Relative rest & tolerable movement

The initial response to an injury should include a period of relative rest, typically between 1-3 days (depending on injury severity), in order to calm things down. This primarily means limiting actions that could worsen the injury. However, this doesn’t imply total immobility. Absolute immobilization might weaken the muscles around the injured area and extend the healing timeframe3. The aim is to balance complete rest and acceptable physical motion. Basically, keep the individual active by engaging in activities that avoid further injury4. Movement, within manageable limits, is critical for maintaining blood flow and mobility, which can expedite the healing process5.

Minimizing swelling

Swelling is frequently observed as a side effect of injuries. While it may appear alarming, it is simply the body’s natural reaction to injury. Nevertheless, managing swelling effectively is crucial, as excessive swelling may hinder recovery and could lead to more serious complications6.

Historically, ice has been a common method used to reduce swelling. However, recent research suggests it may not be as effective as previously thought. The low temperature can affect blood circulation and potentially delay the healing process7.

There are several alternatives to ice that can be used for the management of swelling8. These include:

  • Aerobic exercise: This aids in boosting blood circulation and can help reduce swelling caused by an excessive buildup of fluid.
  • Resistance exercises: Exercises, which should be undertaken as per the individual’s pain tolerance, that target local muscle groups which can stimulate muscle contractions to help shift accumulated fluid in swollen areas back into the bloodstream.

These methods, which can be combined with occasional compression and elevation, can contribute to a smoother recovery process and improved outcomes.

Phase 2 – Restore range of motion.

Following an injury, after the pain and swelling have decreased, it’s imperative for athletes to begin light workouts focused on restoration of flexibility and mobility9. The aim is to improve joint range of motion and tissue extensibility without exacerbating the injury. Working to quickly reclaim an athlete’s pre-injury range of motion not only maintains the functionality of the injured area but can also speed up recovery10. Starting gentle motion early, by means of safe, pain free stretching and mobility exercises, along with controlled, low speed movements with light or no load enhances the strength and elasticity of damaged tissues and can prevent excessive scar formation11. Starting movement early, even if limited, improves the recovery outcome.

Phase 3 – Restore neuromuscular control.

Neuromuscular control is the capacity to regulate movement through synchronized muscle work, a conditioned unconscious response to a signal for joint stability12. It’s the combined effort of the nervous and muscular systems to orchestrate and manage physical movements. An athlete can lose neuromuscular control after an injury13, observing reduced balance, movement skill, joint control, and range of motion, as well as weaker muscular strength.

Restoring neuromuscular control involves reeducating the body for efficient movement14, essential for optimal joint function. After an injury, the brain might be unable to accurately perceive the position of joints, necessitating retraining for reducing further injury risk12. This process teaches the nervous system and muscles how to operate synergistically again, lowering re-injury risk.

Neuromuscular re-education involves training the brain using specific neuromuscular exercises that develop balance, stability, and postural control during dynamic movement15,16. The primary focus is to improve the quality and control of joint movement, not just its quantity or force production capability. This training should involve performing functional movement patterns within a multisensory environment17. The exercises should progress gradually from slow to fast, simple to complex movements, and from unilateral movements to bilateral. Both eyes open and eyes closed movements are also incorporated in the progression depending on the exercise18.


Early-stage injury management for athletes is not a simple, one-size-fits-all methodology but rather, it is tailored to each individual athlete’s recovery rate, type and severity of injury, physical fitness level, and sport. It is advised to get professional medical advice immediately to help establish a strong rehabilitation process. Ultimately, remember that the body has an amazing ability to repair itself over time with the right care and patience.

LEVEL 2: Return to Activity – Mastering Functional Movements and Enhancing Physical Qualities After Injury


Injuries in sports can trigger a cascade of physiological and psychological changes19, demanding extensive rehabilitation for the athlete to return to their pre-injury performance level. This stage begins when initial concerns with the injury are reduced, initial treatment and management have been completed, and pain mitigated for most circumstances. Despite the previous points, this level has the greatest risk of set back if not progressed appropriately. This section delves into the integral components of early to mid-stage rehabilitation – further improvements in neuromuscular function, re-establishing functional movement patterns, and the development of general and specific physical qualities.

Phase 1: Establish functional movement patterns.

After a sports injury, the body often compensates by altering movement patterns which may lead to undue stress on other tissues and, ultimately, other injures20,21. As such, reestablishing (and often improving) original movement patterns becomes vital to rehabilitation. This stage involves shifting the primary focus from restoring neuromuscular control to more global functional movements – those which engage multiple joints and muscles simultaneously. It involves appropriate foundational bodyweight and low load exercises and the relearning of basic movements like walking, running, jumping, throwing and even normal activities of daily life (depending on the nature of the sport and injury)21,22. These basic movements form the basis for more complex, sport-specific skills.

By addressing these functional movement patterns, any abnormalities resulting from the injury can be resolved, and begin to see athletes regaining movement control, dynamic stability, general strength, and mobility, and further improving neuromuscular control and coordination23. The key objective is to restore function and capacity, ensuring the injured area can handle load, preparing for more advanced training in later phases of rehabilitation. Reestablishing functional movement post sports injury is vital, with a focus not only on return to play, but on creating a stronger, more resilient athlete.

Phase 2: General development of physical qualities.

After regaining neuromuscular control and foundational movement patterns after injury, the next phase focuses on enhancing general physical qualities such as strength and hypertrophy, power, change of direction ability, and both muscular and cardiovascular endurance24. It involves more strenuous exercises that target multiple muscle groups and require higher skill levels. The aim is to restore the athlete’s strength and general fitness to pre-injury levels, forming a foundation for further sport-specific development.

Strength and power are both essential characteristics for athletes25. Resistance exercises can reinforce these traits by restoring muscle mass and promoting collagen synthesis, thereby boosting structural integrity of tendons and ligaments. Power, a combination of strength and speed, is particularly important as most sports require quick, explosive actions26. In the context of sports injury rehabilitation, power training should be gradually incorporated, starting with light, rapid movements and progressively increasing in volume, intensity, and complexity.

Change of direction ability is crucial in most sports and thus requires effective rehabilitation exercises27. The aim is to enhance an athlete’s movement accuracy, leg strength, explosive power, and speed to ensure smooth and precise directional changes with minimal speed loss. Muscular and cardiovascular endurance training are essential for athletes to develop to resist fatigue during prolonged exertion periods and should be trained appropriately based on the demands of the athletes’ sport28.

Phase 3: Specific development of physical qualities.

After the general development phase, an athlete progresses to specific development that involves special physical preparedness exercises. These exercises more closely resemble the specific movements and requirements of the athlete’s sport and position, a concept termed as dynamic correspondence29. The higher the dynamic correspondence, the more beneficial the training as there is a direct transfer of physical and coordinative skills into game performance. Essentially, sport-specific exercises serve as a bridge from clinical rehabilitation to return to sport. Additionally, they provide psychological benefits by boosting athlete’s confidence and motivation.

When creating drills and exercises within this phase, Matt Taberner’s concept of the control-chaos continuum will be utilized30. This continuum represents a spectrum ranging from controlled, predictable movements (control end) to unplanned, unpredictable movements (chaos end). According to Taberner, rehabilitation should start at the control end, gradually progressing towards the chaos end, which more closely replicates the dynamics of sports (such as unpredictability, rapid decision making, and mental pressure).

The specific development of physical qualities in the rehabilitation process is not just about healing; it’s about re-optimizing performance. This process involves a series of multi-faceted strategies, wherein each is customized according to an individual athlete’s requirements, the sporting discipline, and the nature of the sustained injury. Interweaving structured and chaotic movement stages and maintaining high dynamic correspondence will assure an effective rehabilitation process and a smoother return to the respective sport.


For athletes, returning to activity isn’t just about dusting themselves off and getting back onto the field or into the weight room. It involves a strategic methodology, moving through established steps with criteria-based progression31. Rushing these steps will likely be detrimental rather than beneficial. It’s important to keep in mind that patience and perseverance will eventually lead back to optimal performance levels, transforming into an athlete with enhanced strength and resilience.

LEVEL 3: Return to Sport – A Guide to Mid-to-Late-Stage Athletic Injury Rehabilitation


Beyond restoring basic function and the necessary general and specific physical qualities, there needs to be considerable focus on guaranteeing a safe and effective reintegration into the competitive environment. This section discusses the systematic progression of mid-to-late-stage return to play, covering aspects such as preparation for physical testing, returning to modified practice, and ultimately transitioning to full practice.

Phase 1: Physical testing preparation.

After the initial stages of injury rehabilitation, an athlete requires time to prepare for demanding physical tests32. These tests, designed to measure maximal outputs of relevant physical traits, may include activities associated with their injury. The results are then used to assess the athlete’s readiness to return to their sport33. Analysis of sport-specific needs determines these tests, ensuring they align with team standards wherever possible. Athletes will progressively practice these tests, starting at a submaximal level and gradually reaching maximal efforts34. If at least minimum standards are not met (preferably those set pre-injury), a goal-setting meeting will be initiated. This involves developing new strategies and establishing a realistic timeline to pass these tests35.

Phase 2: Sport preparation (limited practice).

Once an athlete passes their physical tests, they can resume limited practice. The training now moves towards sport-specific preparation, which combines technical skills, tactical components, and further physical development in a sport context.

In this phase, awareness (and manipulation) of environmental, task, and organism constraints plays a crucial role – a ‘constraints led approach’36. Environmental constraints relate to the sports practice conditions like weather, field characteristics, and social factors. Athletes, post-injury, need to adapt slowly back to these conditions. Task constraints cover the rules, equipment, and demands of the sport that impacts an athlete’s performance and injury risk. Organism constraints are athletes’ individual differences, like injury history, skill level, psychological state, and physical abilities. All these factors are essential while formulating a return-to-play program37.

Phase 3: Competition preparation (full practice).

Returning to full practice (competition preparation) is the stage after the athlete has sufficiently exhibited tolerance to regular, albeit modified, practices and successfully reestablished their technical skills and tactical aptitude. In this phase, athletes can engage wholly in team practice, excluding scrimmages. Though this doesn’t mean clearance for full competition, this stage is invaluable for judging whether the athlete has reached pre-injury levels of competitive performance. An athlete can return to competitive play only after proving their capabilities at this level.

Full integration back into team practices post-injury is beneficial in various ways; it sharpens the potentially dulled technical skills and capabilities of the athlete, assists athletes in re-establishing team dynamics, and reinforces their tactical understanding of the team’s style of play37. Another significant merit is the maintenance of sport-specific fitness, ensuring the combination of physical qualities only trainable by playing the specific sport are kept in check38. Lastly, full practice participation restores the athletes’ confidence in their performance abilities and physical health, which often suffers after an injury.


Returning to sport after an injury is a multi-stage process that requires the athlete to be patient and work closely with rehabilitation professionals, strength and conditioning specialists, and sports coaches. It involves physical testing, careful reintroduction and exposure to the demands of the sport, and competition preparation. The process should always be individualized, focusing on the athlete’s well-being, safety, and sports-specific needs. By following this approach, athletes may be able to return to their required performance level more quickly and safely, while reducing the risk of further injuries. Hence, following a structured return to sport process should be considered a mandatory step for every athlete looking to bounce back from an injury.


 LEVEL 4: Return to Competition – The Final Phase of Sports Injury Rehabilitation & Ensuring a Successful Return to Competitive Play


The final phase of sports injury rehabilitation – return to competition – is a critical step that requires careful planning, execution, and monitoring. This process involves gradually reintegrating athletes back into their full competitive sport demands, effectively transitioning the athlete almost completely out of the sports injury rehabilitation program. Key elements discussed in the section will include the importance of a gradual return to competitive play, continual reevaluation of the athlete relative to their return-to-competition criteria, and the necessity of embedding ongoing injury risk management strategies.

Phase 1: Competitive play.

In this phase, athletes should increase competitive loading progressively (measured in exposure minutes, heart rate, and/or distance metrics) with regular risk factor reassessments. This helps their body adapt and reduce chances of re-injury. Additionally, the acute:chronic workload ratio should be monitored, showing the difference between an athlete’s recent and long-term workloads39. It’s a useful gauge of their capacity to withstand competitive stresses and helps determine whether their recent activity levels are in line with their long-term workload40. The continuous monitoring and evaluation of these parameters, in conjunction with other return to play criteria, can prevent unexpected setbacks. Furthermore, if an athlete falls below their post-clearance baselines, decisions must be made on how to modify the current strategies.

To acclimatize an athlete to competition, a progressive increase in their competitive playtime is required, factoring in decisions on competitive minutes and establishment of red flag criteria to halt their playing time if needed. The process could start with brief game appearances, progress to extended durations off the bench, evolve into full game segments (halves, quarters, etc.), and then return to full games.

Phase 2: Re-evaluation of return to competition criteria.

This phase runs in parallel with phase 1, involving periodic reassessment of the athlete’s performance capability, along with their physical and psychological condition. If the athlete fails to meet their return-to-competition criteria due to injury exacerbation or because of progression errors in training load (doing too much too soon)41, a gameplan will need to be developed to ensure continued progress.

Phase 3: Re-injury risk mitigation strategies.

Phases 2 and 3 operate on a continual, on-going loop with no end point in order to reduce future injury risk, as getting back to full competitive play does not mean forgetting about the injury. Rehabilitation is about long-term vigilance and the adoption of strategies to prevent any recurrence42. Physical maintenance, such as participating in a consistent strength and conditioning program and keeping on top of exercises designed to prevent reinjury of the specific tissue, are key parts of the puzzle43. Maintaining regular checkups to monitor injury status and global/systemic health, ensuring good nutrition44, and getting sufficient rest also serve as shields against re-injury45. The overall goal here, and with the entire process thus far, is to return to play and keep playing.


Returning to competitive play not only involves ensuring that the injury has healed, but also requires a smart and specialized strategy for reintroduction to training demands. There should be continual reevaluation of the criteria for returning to competition, and implementation of long-term injury risk reduction methods. Taking a comprehensive view of health and performance prospects provides a solid foundation for a successful and injury-free sports career.


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Giving Feedback on Skill Performance

This post is intended to give an overview of several aspects of coaching science, in particular surrounding provision of feedback to athletes, something which numerous coaches (both strength and technical/sport coaches) often don’t do effectively.

There are two main types of feedback – intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic feedback can be viewed as ‘self’ feedback and something that the athlete knows occurred, for example if an athlete bails from a snatch they are intrinsically aware that this occurred. Extrinsic feedback comes from external sources such as, and most commonly, a coach, but can also come from video analysis and the use of mirrors.

In terms of extrinsic feedback, most authorities in coaching science (i.e. Gabriele Wulf and Nick Winkelman) agree that using external feedback/cues is more effective than using internal – for example in a vertical jump ‘touch the ceiling’ instead of ‘extend your knee and hips quickly’. There are two types of extrinsic feedback, you can inform them of what you saw (descriptive) or elaborate on what they need to do to fix the error you witness (prescriptive). Descriptive is regarded as better for athletes with a lower training age/less experience, whereas prescriptive is better for more technically mature athletes.

The author of the article referenced below (Wrisberg) talks about when to give feedback, providing a key quote – “when in doubt, be quiet”.  He (Wrisberg) is of the opinion that coaches should resist the temptation to provide assistance and coaching cues too often and instead permit the athletes to practice skills on their own (a form of guided discovery). He then goes on to say that the least helpful form of feedback is simply providing extrinsic feedback that is the same as their own intrinsic feedback – provide feedback only when an athlete can’t identify the error or pick up on the intrinsic feedback. An example of this is if an athlete drops the bar mid-way through a deadlift there is little point in informing them that their grip failed/was weak. The most beneficial form of feedback for an athlete will direct them towards sources of intrinsic feedback. I recently encountered an example of this in my own coaching practice whereby an athlete who I was teaching to clean wasn’t keeping the bar close and ‘brushing’ the thigh. To rectify this I put lines of chalk from the middle to the upper portion of his thigh and told his to try to brush the chalk off with the bar with every repetition.

Keeping the bar close in the clean

Once athletes are proficient at identifying relevant intrinsic feedback on their own, they will eventually need less extrinsic feedback and cueing from the coach. The caveat to this is that if athletes have not fully ‘bought in’ to strength and conditioning they may not be interested in learning the skill we are teaching (such as the clean) thus they are unlikely to ask for feedback and they will not focus on their own intrinsic feedback. This highlights a motivational aspect to this element of coaching science.

Recent research in coaching science has suggested that giving more frequent feedback is not more effective when it comes to promoting skill development when compared to giving less frequent feedback. Wrisberg suggests that coaches give the minimally effective amount of feedback to avoid overloading the athlete. If more feedback is deemed necessary then it may be appropriate to utilize summary/average feedback after a session during a breakdown. Athletes’ performance will still improve in the absence of frequent extrinsic feedback as the athlete is required to solve their own movement errors and they are able to focus more acutely on their own intrinsic feedback. If feedback is provided too often athletes may become dependent on it, as they will immediately attempt to incorporate the feedback in the next repetition and, if they’re provided with different feedback each time, they will be incapable of achieving any stability in their performance. As a result of this they will not gain an understanding of what they’re doing and the outcome that they’re achieving. Thus an overall rule is to give feedback to athletes more regularly during early learning phases and progressively less frequently as their skill levels improve.

Quality of feedback is more important than quantity; to achieve higher quality feedback coaches must consider the content, precision, timing, and conciseness of the cues in order to deliver the most effective message to the athlete/s. Wrisberg also says that delaying feedback has some benefits as it encourages athletes to become self-sufficient. The best way to delay feedback is to first ask athletes questions such as ‘why do you think ____ happened?’, which will force them to evaluate their own intrinsic feedback, only after they answer will extrinsic feedback be provided by the coach. Challenging athletes to detect their own errors and come up with solutions will facilitate skill development and improve their ability to detect and correct mistakes.

Increasing feedback precision is another important aspect of skill acquisition and coaching. Wrisberg suggests the use of bandwidth feedback, something that I have utilized regularly in my coaching practice. Bandwidth feedback requires establishment of a performance bandwidth – this being the amount/extent of error you will tolerate before cueing/providing extrinsic feedback to the athlete (a tolerance zone). If an athletes’ skill performance remains within the tolerance zone, there’s no requirement to give feedback, if it deviates outside of this zone then corrections must be made via feedback. With lesser skilled athletes the bandwidth will be wider, which allows coaches to provide more general feedback in order to improve gross performance of the skill. With athletes of a higher level (and where precision is more important) the bandwidth should be narrowed, meaning feedback will be given for even minor performance errors. From a skill acquisition perspective I believe this is a very useful tool. If working memory can only store seven +/- two pieces of information then it’s important to avoid overloading the athletes’ memory with excessive cues (particularly if they’re poorly thought out). In my coaching I try to focus on three main points for every skill/lift in the session (plus any general safety considerations), for example when coaching band resisted acceleration drills in speed/agility sessions I inform the athletes to focus on a good torso lean, powerful arm drive (hip pocket to eye socket), and to apply maximum force into the ground with every step. I then only emphasise these points (or cues relating to these points).

Being aware of the science of giving feedback not only allows us to coach our athletes more effectively and efficiently, it also helps in preventing reinvestment.  Reinvestment is the attempt to consciously control your own movement during skill execution by constantly trying to apply explicit and rule-based knowledge to the skill. For example immediately prior to the second pull in the clean an athlete might think ‘how do I catch the bar?’ if they’ve been over-coached/had excessive feedback in their rack position or catch technique. This can also be known as choking, freezing, or the ‘yips’.


Why R.A.M.P?

In 2007 Ian Jeffreys released an article titled ‘Warm up revisited–the ‘ramp’ method of optimizing performance preparation’. His intention of writing this article was to provide coaches with a framework of how to write and conduct a warm up relevant to certain sports, and to clarify the rationale as to why we do warm ups and what the physiological and biomechanical aims of them are. It’s essential to make the most of all warm ups as, over the course of a year, an athlete might spend (at a minimum) a total of 35 hours warming up (assuming ten minutes a session, four sessions a week). Thirty-five hours is a huge amount of training time that shouldn’t be wasted – or perhaps worse, spent doing exercises with improper or injurious technique.

Jeffreys begins the article with an explanation of (physiologically) why we warm up, going into more depth that just ‘raise the heart rate’ or ‘prepare for exercise or competition’. His reasons are:

  • Improve the physiological function of working muscles (faster contraction and relaxation)
  • Increase rate of force development, reaction time, strength, and power (prime the central nervous system)
  • Lower the viscous resistance in muscles (greater muscle temperature will warm up intramuscular fluids improving mobility)
  • Increase oxygen delivery (Bohr effect/shift)
  • Increased blood flow (due to higher heart rate)
  • Enhanced metabolic reactions
  • Prevent injury (via a number of potential mechanisms)

He also mentions that a warm up is an excellent coaching opportunity as it gives coaches a chance to improve an athlete’s mechanics in basic exercises (cueing and encouraging the athletes in a warm up may also ‘wake up’ the athletes psychologically). Personally I also use it as dynamic movement screen to watch for movement deficiencies/restrictions, imbalances, and proprioceptive issues.

The aforementioned elements are most relevant to the initial part of the warm up with the focus being on the energy system and muscular aspects of the physiological processes involved. However there are more components to include, such as joint range of motion, nervous system stimulation, and psychological preparation. To ensure these additional components are included in warm ups, Jeffreys suggests the ‘RAMP’ method. This stands for:

  • Raise
  • Activate
  • Mobilize
  • Potentiate

The raise component is based on what I’ve previously discussed in this article review so far, it’s general and doesn’t have to be specific to the exact workout or sport. Often this will include jogging, shuffling, lunging, skipping, hopping, and backpedaling, but coaches can be more inventive than this (I’ve seen wrestling S&C coaches use gymnastic movements, and weightlifting coaches use light barbell complexes or bodyweight circuits for example).

The activate and mobilize components fit together reasonably well, and have the aim of activating key muscles (for the exercise/drill) and mobilizing key joints and ranges of motion utilized in the sport. Activation exercises can include band rotator cuff movements, glute bridges, and face pulls (etc.), however if applied to a speed/agility context I would encourage the athletes remain on their feet and moving, so lateral band walks, linear band walks, and crawl variations (etc.) may be more appropriate. Mobilization exercises may be similar to what has been included in the raise or activate components; however they will generally be more dynamic and involve moving through greater ranges of motion (compared to raise/activate exercises). These exercises should become more drill/sport specific (appropriate for the specific movement patterns occurring in the sport), such as a decent volume of lunge-based movements for a squash player, or overhead squats for a weightlifter preparing to snatch.

The final component is the potentiation phase, this has two main goals – to increase the intensity of the warm up so that it blends into the workout/first drill, ensuring that the athlete/s are fully prepared to perform optimally. The second goal is to get a post-activation potentiation (PAP) effect, which aims to ‘fire up’ the central nervous system and should augment subsequent exercise performance (research into this area is largely inconclusive, even ten years after this article was published). This component can include progressive intensity sprints, jumps, throws, agility drills, or warm-up sets for lifting-based exercises.

One thing I like about this article is his suggestion of the term ‘performance preparation’, rather than using the term ‘warm up’. I think that telling an athlete simply to warm up is only asking them to do half of what is required – i.e. raise their heart rate and get warm. There are a million ways to elevate an athletes heart rate (sit them on a recumbent bike for example) however many of these methods are not conducive to improved performance. ‘Performance preparation’   or ‘movement preparation’ suggests that an athlete should not just ‘get sweaty and breathless’ but should actually prepare their body and mind for exercise or competition. This can be achieved by following the RAMP method outlined in the article.

Overall I like this article and the methodology it presents as it gives a framework for coaches to use, rather than a ‘set in stone’ approach. This allows experimentation and provides the fluidity to adapt the warm up method to the environment the coach is in.


Stepping Backwards to Run Faster

Whilst observing and working with numerous coaches conducting speed/agility/change of direction workouts I’ve noticed that a good amount of coaches do not allow the players to perform a false step (also known as a plyo step/rhythm step/backward step) before accelerating. I’ve had debates with several coaches in the past about this at various universities and training facilities, as my philosophy is to actively promote this ‘step back’ and develop my athletes ability to use it effectively, whereas theirs is to either deliberately set the athlete up in a split stance or to tell the athlete to consciously avoid stepping back. I wanted to investigate this difference in coaching philosophy and give a definitive, research-supported answer.

If positioned in a parallel (shoulder/hip width) stance, an athlete’s natural reaction will be to take a false/backward step prior to commencing forward motion. Many coaches deem this backward step to be literally ‘a step in the wrong direction’ and believe it is less time efficient (a ‘wasted movement’) than a forward step. This has resulted in coaches deliberately stopping their athletes from using this technique. Numerous articles (both academic and non-academic) have been published that state that taking this approach may be a mistake.


To provide an evidence-base I recommend reading the research paper by Frost (2008). The researcher took 27 male athletes and tested them in three sprint-start stance conditions – parallel with a false step, parallel with a forward step, and a split stance. They found that the false step was superior to the forward step, particularly over the first 2.5m. The split stance resulting in quicker movement over the first 2.5m and was therefore superior to the false step in this regard. However another study cited in the article found that more horizontal force and power could be generated at push off due to the presence of a stretch-shortening cycle in the false step (hence the alternative name ‘plyo step’). The reason the split stance results in slightly quicker sprint times is because the center of mass does not have to be shifted and thus sufficient horizontal impulse can be generated more rapidly (albeit not as much total force as the false step). The article concluded that they are unable to justify the deliberate removal of the false step when coaching athletes as it is clearly effective in improving sprint performance in distances as short as 2.5m.


Despite the results of the aforementioned study I can understand many coaches’ rationales for not utilizing the false step in sports such as football. Firstly in football there are numerous stoppages between plays, due to this the athletes are able to set up in a split stance which was shown to be effective over short distances, and if athletes have perfected this starting position they may get better results than the participants from Frosts study. In addition, this split stance is a more stable position (particularly for the defensive/offensive line) as players only have fractions of a second to hit or brace to be hit.


In other sports I believe that the false step should be encouraged, particularly in those sports that lack sufficient time to allow players to reset into a split stance position before commencing play. It is a natural response for athletes and will result in faster sprint times than a forward step and almost equally as fast as a split stance, with the added benefit of more horizontal force being produced due to utilization of the stretch-shortening cycle. Also with practice and coaching the false step may promote a more horizontal torso position that will be beneficial for optimal acceleration mechanics and force production, whereas the forward step may actually increase the likelihood of an athlete stepping forward excessively and creating a braking force thus slowing them down.




Youth Strength Training FAQ

Youth Strength Training FAQ


In the past 30 years’ childhood obesity in the US has more than doubled. The percentage of obese children (aged 6–11 years) in the United States is now 18% (as of 2012). Children are more inactive than ever, preferring to spend their free time playing video games instead of being outside, socializing, or exercising.

In addition, this ‘Xbox’ generation has developed shorter attention spans, postural issues, and other inactivity-related diseases.

Going to the gym to run on a treadmill or to cycle on a stationary bike is unlikely to appeal to most kids, it’s boring, there’s little obvious progression, and (especially for bigger kids) it’s very hard work. Strength training has been recommended for children as young as six by multiple, major professional organizations (including the American College of Sports Medicine, the National Strength and Conditioning Association, and the UK Strength and Conditioning Association, amongst others). However unfortunately common opinion is that it’s dangerous, stunts children’s growth, it’s pointless because they lack testosterone to get stronger, and will compromise their performance in other sports. These statements are false, and this FAQ will provide reasons why.

First off, there are numerous clear benefits of strength training. This type of training will result in improved self-esteem through positive changes in body composition and perceived body image, it’s also more accessible for bigger kids (compared to running, swimming, etc.) which will therefore allow them to experience success in a sporting environment. Getting the child active will reduce body fat, improve attention span, promote stronger social skills, and positively affect their mood. Strength training can also improve motor skill performance, enhance physical literacy, and strength bones, ligaments, and tendons, which will reduce their risk of injury.


Will strength training stunt my child’s growth?

Absolutely not, there is no evidence to indicate a decrease in stature in children who regularly strength train in a supervised environment with qualified instruction. Additionally, no growth plate damage has been reported in any research studies. In all likeliness, participation in weight-bearing/resistance training activities will have a positive influence on growth. The myth of strength training stunting growth came about due to people watching Olympic Weightlifting competitions and noticing that all the athletes were short, however this is simply a commonality of elite performers in the sport – to be successful you have to be short, the sport didn’t make the athletes shorter.


My child needs to be fast, won’t training with weights make them big and slow?

Maximal speed and maximal strength are both largely based around adaptations to the central nervous system, and therefore positively complement each other. In order to increase sprinting speed to their greatest potential, a young athlete should be training to improve both of these qualities.

I thought children couldn’t get strong because they don’t produce enough testosterone?

Testosterone is not essential for achieving strength gains. Children will make neural adaptations that will benefit their strength levels. Hypertrophy (muscle gain) is limited, but that doesn’t necessarily correlate with strength.

My child is too young to begin strength training, isn’t he/she?

As previously stated, strength training has been recommended for children as young as six years old by numerous organizations. In general, if you determine a child to be old enough to take part in organized sports, then they’re most likely ready to begin a progressive strength training program (this will also counter the fact that young athletes under-train and over-compete). Chronological age is inherently flawed as a way to determine readiness for training, as every child matures mentally and physically at different rates. It’s much more appropriate to use common sense and simple observation to determine this. Can they move well? Do they have enough of an attention span? Do they look ready to lift? Are they stable during basic movements?

Isn’t strength training dangerous?

Under proper supervision and ability-specific instruction, strength training is considerably less dangerous than most other common sports/activities.


Every time you do an activity, you are putting huge amounts of stress on your body:

  • Walking = 1.5 x Bodyweight
  • Running/Sprinting = 3-6 x Bodyweight
  • Jumping = 4-11 x Bodyweight

By strength training we are increasing the child’s ability to cope with the demands (specifically forces) of whatever environment they’re in – whether it’s a sport, general ‘play’ activities, or simply walking to the bus stop. Young athletes in particular are suffering sports-related injuries because they are poorly-prepared for the demands of their sport. Up to 50% of youth sporting injuries could be prevented if more emphasis was placed on developing fundamental motor skills and fitness abilities before participating in a sport.

Strength training isn’t always about lifting super heavy weights, however at appropriate times healthy children should be exposed to heavier loads (when technically capable and under supervision). Working with heavy weights is often thought to be dangerous, particularly for a one repetition max (1RM) because it’s a single, all-out effort. However, this isn’t dissimilar to a football tackle, a throw, or a jump, and actually occurs in a much safer, less chaotic, and more controlled environment. Children with less than three/four years training experience are unlikely to attempt a 1RM, but instead may do a multi-rep max test (2-5RM) which would involve slightly lighter loads. What is considered heavy weight for a child? This depends on mental and physical maturity, training experience, and technical proficiency. And of course everything is relative to their existing strength levels.



Faigenbaum, A. D., Kraemer, W. J., Blimkie, C. J., Jeffreys, I., Micheli, L. J., Nitka, M., & Rowland, T. W. (2009). Youth resistance training: updated position statement paper from the national strength and conditioning association. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research23, S60-S79.

Lloyd, R., Faigenbaum, A., Myer, G., Stone, M., Oliver, J., Jeffreys, I., & Pierce, K. (2012). UKSCA position statement: Youth resistance training. Professional Strength and Conditioning26, 26-39.

Hamill, B. P. (1994). Relative Safety of Weightlifting and Weight Training. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research8(1), 53-57.

Malina, R. M. (2006). Weight training in youth-growth, maturation, and safety: an evidence-based review. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine16(6), 478-487.

But, P. (1993). Youth Injuries in Sports are Preventable. Sports Medicine Digest, 4-1.

Why does my shoulder hurt?

Why does my shoulder hurt?
(and what can I do about it?)


Shoulder pain is a common complaint for numerous athletes, ‘weekend warriors’, and gym users, and it’s often left either poorly treated (rest, painkillers, and/or cortisone shots) or only partially treated through incorrect exercises or an inadequate variety of exercises.  If you’re currently experiencing shoulder pain (or you want to prevent it in the future) then it’s time to figure out what’s wrong and get some treatment.

The shoulder complex is made up of the glenohumeral, scapulothoracic, acromioclavicular, and sternoclavicular joints, and is one of the most vulnerable areas in the body due to the extensive range of motion it has available. During full body movements, forces produced in the lower extremities, hips, and trunk are transmitted through the shoulder complex to the the arms and hands. If the shoulder complex is unstable, immobile, or otherwise dysfunctional it will be unable to cope with the load placed upon it, exposing you to injury.

Joints of the Shoulder Complex
Joints of the Shoulder Complex

The main region for most shoulder injuries is below the acromion process, and generally involves tendons of the rotator cuff muscles and biceps being impinged/’squished’ between bony structures. This is known as subacromial impingement syndrome.

Acromion Process
Acromion Process

Having healthy shoulders (without subacromial impingement) depends on a number of factors, including rotator cuff strength, appropriate ratio of pushing to pulling exercises, adequate warm ups, good exercise technique, and (perhaps most importantly) good posture. Ensuring good posture (consisting of optimal shoulder and thoracic spine [upper back] position) gives the scapula (shoulder blade) a stable base and enhances its ability to move freely on the rib cage, allowing full mobility.

During movement of the upper extremity, the scapula and humerus (upper arm bone) move in tandem to allow full motion (known as scapulohumeral rhythm). As previously mentioned, if either the scapula or humerus (and associated joints) are unstable or immobile then injury can, and probably will, eventually occur.

So how do we prevent shoulder pain from occurring?
Optimizing posture is key – reducing thoracic kyphosis (hunchback) and forward shoulders will allow proper biomechanics of the shoulder. The following drills and exercises will help improve these elements.
  • Thoracic extensions over the foam roller
    tspine-1  tspine2
  • SMR Lats
  • Lat Stretch
  • SMR (LAX ball) Pecs
  • Pec Stretch

Another possible cause is a weakness of the serratus anterior – this is the muscle that holds your scapula/shoulder blade to your rib cage. If it is weak then ‘scapula winging’ can occur, which obviously puts the scapula into a suboptimal position.

  • Scap Push Ups
    scap-push-up-1  scap-push-up-2
  • Cable bear hug
    bear-hug-1  bear-hug-2

Ensuring your rotator cuff muscles are strong and healthy is also essential, as these act as dynamic stabilizers of the shoulder (holding the humerus in the correct place during motion).

  • External rotations (never perform these to failure)
    ext-rot-1  ext-rot-2
  • Bottoms up kettlebell presses
    bottom-up-kb-1  bottoms-up-kb2

Having an appropriate ratio of pushing to pulling exercises will also balance out the musculature on the front and back of your shoulders – excessive mirror muscle exercises (bench presses, curls, shoulder presses) will cause shortness and imbalances in anterior (front) muscles (a syndrome known as upper crossed).

  • Try and have a 2:1 ratio of pulling to pushing exercises, so more rows and vertical pulling!

Warming up adequately will prevent injury by increasing the temperature (and therefore extensibility) of your muscles, and will increase mobility at the joints required for exercise.

  •  A 10 minute jog on the treadmill is not an appropriate warm up prior to lifting. Performing a well thought out warm up routine that includes mobility and activation drills for all the joints and muscles associated with the workout is the best option. Raise (heart rate and temperature) – Activate (muscles) – Mobilize (joints).

Finally, good exercise technique is imperative. Find a qualified strength and conditioning coach to go through correct exercise technique with you, particularly for barbell, kettlebell, and dumbbell exercises (such as the bench press).

Incorrect shoulder/elbow position in the Bench Press. Elbows are flaring, placing the shoulder in a compromised position and prevent retraction of the scapula.
Correct shoulder/elbow position for the Bench Press – elbows are tucked.
Scapula retraction for the Bench Press. Shoulder blades should be squeezed together throughout the whole movement, lift the chest up high, and attempt to ‘snap’ the bar in half by trying to turn the thumbs upwards.

*Remember to always consult a physician (or a physical therapist) if you’re experiencing pain, and prior to beginning a new exercise/treatment regime. Your shoulder pain may not be due to the reasons mentioned in this post, so get it checked out first!* 


Does a low load assessment of scapular kinematics predict performance at greater loads?

Movement Screening

Movement Screening


Understanding the physiological and biomechanical demands of a sport and the current ability of an athlete to meet these demands is of paramount importance when both preparing for competition and providing late stage rehabilitation following injury.1 In order to evaluate these demands a needs analysis of the sport and athlete is undertaken, this will consist of varying elements depending on the sport in question. It will often include, for example, a time motion analysis, a profile of energy systems, strength diagnostics, sport biomechanics, and research into injury epidemiology and aetiology.2 3

An essential component of the athlete-specific needs analysis is a movement screen, commonly consisting of a battery of assessments with the aim of determining potential injury sites, movement restrictions, and kinetic chain dysfunctions from a global perspective. The presence of dysfunction and restrictions will force the body to create compensatory movement strategies (CMS) in order to retain its ability to carry out movement tasks, These CMS are often kinesiopathologic,4 5 due to suboptimal load transference throughout the system and causation of undue mechanical stress to bodily structures. As such, it is important for a strength coach/sport rehabilitator to perform movement screens since it is far more effective and efficient to be proactive in addressing dysfunctions and restrictions rather than being reactive to injury when it occurs.

Movement screens are generally based around functional movements rather than isolated motion on a plinth, this allows the strength coach/sports rehabilitator to determine any CMS the athlete uses when performing sport-specific tasks. This is highly important during initial screening, but maybe more so in late stage rehabilitation as it must be ensured that the athlete is sufficiently robust and mechanically sound to avoid re-injury. This is particularly evident as previous injury has been demonstrated as the most reliable predictor of re-injury.6  

Numerous function-based screens have been developed and demonstrated to be effective, some of these include; the Y Balance,7 Performance Matrix,5 and Functional Movement Screen (FMS).1 All of these screening systems have their individual merits, however currently the FMS is the most well-known and used. The aim of this paper is firstly to discuss, critique and provide possible modifications for the FMS. Secondly an evaluation of an athlete’s deep overhead squat (OHS) will be provided, whereby restrictions will be highlighted along with potential interventions to improve their performance of the movement.


The FMS1 consists of a battery of seven fundamental movements which challenge mobility, stability, and motor control (see Cook1 and Cook8 for full details of the movements involved). These movements theoretically form the foundation of all other sport-specific patterns.9 The premise of the FMS is that athletes may be predisposed to injury and suboptimal performance if asymmetries, weaknesses, limitations or imbalances are present in any of these movements.1 10 This subsequently alerts strength coaches/sports rehabilitators to these issues and permits them to carry out diagnostic testing on the athlete concerned.

To determine movement competency each movement is scored on a zero to three ordinal scale. A score of zero signifies that pain was experienced in the movement. A score of one indicates an inability to fully complete the movement. A score of two signifies movement completion but with a degree of compensation. A score of three is given if optimal performance is demonstrated. Five of the tests are given a separate score for the left and right side of the body to account for asymmetries, although only the lower of the two is taken for analysis. The sum of these scores forms a composite score of between zero and 21.

The FMS has been demonstrated to have an acceptable ability to predict injury in male military personnel,11 male athletes,10 and female athletes12 when the composite score is <14 (determined via use of a receiver-operator characteristic curve.13 In fact findings from Kiesel et al10 stated that football players were as much as 12 times more likely to be injured with a score below this cut-off point. There are, however, issues with 14 being a cut off score. One argument is that it is possible to score more than 14 even with asymmetries in all of the two-sided tests. Asymmetries are suggested to be a risk factor for injury by a number of authors.1 14-15 Yet little evidence exists to support this suggestion. In a study by O’Connor et al11 no statistical evidence supported asymmetry as a risk factor for injury in military personnel. Additionally it is possible, as in the case of stroke victims, amputees, and cerebral palsy patients, to function and live pain-free with compensations and asymmetries. On the contrary, an athlete in a lower-limb dominant sport may receive a composite score of 14 but still have scored mostly threes in the lower-limb movements. This raises the question of whether this athlete is truly at risk of injury.

Research has additionally critiqued the FMS composite score as a whole, stating that it lacks internal consistency and does not function as a unidimensional construct,16 thus changes to the scoring system have been.17-18 In one study18 it was suggested an objective motion capture system could be used. The researchers compared manual grading (standard subjective FMS criteria) to an objective grading criterion using video and kinematic thresholds related to each FMS grading criteria. The rationale for this research was that the FMS scoring system assumes the tester can adequately distinguish the mechanics relevant to each of the grading criteria in order to grade them accurately. The results of this study showed discrepancies between the manual grading and objective grading methods, highlighting that manual grading may not be a valid method. Butler et al17 also proposes changes, suggesting a 100-point grading scale. The researchers theorise that this will promote greater precision (higher inter-rater reliability) and provide more distinction between scores along with offering more detail as to when movement issues occur.

Despite the aforementioned scoring system faults the FMS has been shown to have high levels of inter- and intra-rater reliability19–21 And although content validity, construct validity, face validity, and sensitivity are deemed to be suboptimal, its specificity and injury prediction abilities are regarded as strengths.18 20 

Within the suboptimal elements, lack of content validity may be an issue. This presents itself in the fact that the FMS only tests low load/low threshold movement strategies, whereas in sport the majority of tasks are high load/high threshold (different neural pathways). Frost et al22 looked at the influence of load and speed on five different foundational movement patterns and found that the subjects adapted their movement strategy as a response to heightened task demand. A screen should be a comprehensive, global approach to determine sport specific ability. A lack of high load movements in the FMS prevents it from fully achieving this aim. To improve this aspect of the FMS it would be advisable to borrow from the Performance Matrix method5 which utilises screen for both low load/motor control and high load/strength and speed deficits to identify problems.

Overhead Squat

The OHS is a commonly used screening tool due to its ability to test global mobility, trunk stability, control of posture, and overall total body mechanics. As a triple flexion/extension movement pattern, the ability to perform a bilateral squat has application to numerous physical activities. In the OHS, as per FMS criteria, an ideal technical model would include the points outlined in Figure 1 along with the ability to descend and ascend in a stable and controlled manner and maintain stability whilst in the bottom position.

Figure 1. Technical model for the deep overhead squat.
Figure 1. Technical model for the deep overhead squat.

Figure 2 was taken from the video provided and demonstrates an athlete’s ability to perform an OHS as per the FMS protocol. When comparing the screenshots in Figure 2 to the technical model in Figure 1 it is apparent that the athlete has a number of limitations in their performance of this movement. In the sagittal plane there is an excessive anterior trunk lean, an inability to break parallel (hip crease below knee level) in the bottom position, and a noticeable lack of dorsi-flexion. In the frontal plane the athlete demonstrates uncontrolled motion manifesting as a weight shift onto the right side, this is also apparent due to the angulation of the dowel held overhead. Due to these dysfunctions, the athlete would have scored a one on the (albeit flawed) FMS scoring criteria.

Figure 2. Athlete performing the deep overhead squat.

If an athlete scores a one on the FMS OHS they are permitted to attempt the movement with a two inch heel lift. Figure 3 shows the effect of this on the athletes’ performance. Noticeable improvements in depth, trunk angle and movement control are visible, which suggests that a lack of closed kinetic chain ankle dorsi-flexion is a limiting factor for this athlete. This athlete would now score a two on the FMS scoring criteria.

Figure 3. Athlete performing the deep overhead squat with a heel lift.

The ability to dorsi-flex the ankle has been demonstrated as essential when performing the OHS.23 To complete a full OHS with the foot in full contact with a flat surface evidence has demonstrated that 39 ± 6° of dorsi-flexion24 is required. Without ankle dorsi-flexion this athlete will likely be predisposed to injuries such as Achilles tendinopathies, anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) sprains, hamstring strains, and flexion-type lumbar spine injury. These injuries may occur as the body will compensate for the lack of ankle dorsi-flexion by prolonging or increasing the velocity of pronation (to allow dorsi-flexion to occur at the mid-foot) which has adverse effects further up the kinematic chain. Decreased ankle dorsi-flexion may also cause inhibition of the peroneus longus muscle (amongst others); this muscle is required to decelerate ankle inversion (part of the mechanism for ATFL injury). If the body is unable to compensate through the foot complex, motion may come from increased hip flexion, increasing spinal loading during high load tasks. In addition to this, if a joint can not feel motion (due to restriction) mechanoreceptor function will be compromised, preventing afferent signals travelling to the central nervous system.

This athlete has previously had treatment on the contractile, non-contractile and neural tissues surrounding the ankle in order to improve dorsi-flexion range of motion (ROM), however these had proven to be ineffective. Therefore in order to address this restriction it would be prudent to now address the arthrokinematics of the talocrural joint.25 Reductions in dorsi-flexion ROM is linked to an inability of the talus to posteriorly glide on the tibia,26 potentially due to an anterior positional fault of the talus due to previous lateral ankle ligament injury.27

Mulligan28 29 suggests the use of mobilisations with movement (MWM) for individuals with this articular positional fault. These techniques have been demonstrated to cause a significant increase in ankle dorsiflexion ROM in 60 healthy subjects in functional tasks.30 An MWM for ankle dorsiflexion will involve a continuous passive mobilisation whilst performing full ROM active dorsi-flexion movements; these can be carried out either weight bearing or non-weight bearing.

A weight-bearing (half-kneeling) MWM was used as an intervention for this athlete. Prior to the mobilisations the athletes’ ankle dorsi-flexion range was measured objectively using the weight-bearing lunge test (WBLT)31 (Figure 4), this was important in order to determine if the MWMs were having an effect. If the WBLT score did not improve it would have been evident that the restriction may not have been articular in nature. Three sets of 15 repetitions (approximately 60 seconds) were performed on each ankle at a sustained and controlled pace. Upon re-doing the WBLT significant improvements were noticed in ankle dorsi-flexion ROM. This new ROM was then tested globally in the OHS, where improvement in squat depth and trunk angle were observed (similar to when using the heel lift), indicating that the MWMs were effective as an intervention. In light of this, the athlete was instructed on how to perform a self-mobilisation reported to have the same effect26 (Figure 5).


Ankle Mobs


This paper has highlighted the importance of movement screening in athletic populations. A movement screen is comprised of battery of movements with the aim of detecting movement faults, which then enables strength coaches/sport rehabilitators to retrain these faults to prevent injury/re-injury. It is important to understand that there is no ‘one size fits all’ screen, as every sport involves different movement patterns and has different injury sites, thus it is appropriate forstrength coaches/sport rehabilitators to create their own. Every test, movement, exercise, or performance therefore can be used as an assessment. A number of screens have been suggested (such as the FMS) however these ‘pre-packaged’ screens commonly have flaws which can impact their application to clinical practice. These include limitations in scoring techniques, movement context (high vs low load) and sensitivity. An analysis of an athlete’s OHS was provided; optimal performance of this movement indicates good global mobility trunk stability, control of posture, and overall total body mechanics, which demonstrates good athletic performance potential. This athlete showed compensations when performing the movement, which upon investigation were due to a lack of ankle dorsi-flexion. Leaving this unaddressed could predispose the athlete to injury (ankle dorsi-flexion is a common probable suspect for injury). After a treatment of MWMs the athlete improved dorsi-flexion ROM and overall OHS performance. It may therefore be appropriate to recommend that this athlete (and others who lack dorsi-flexion) incorporate self-mobilisation of the ankle into their training regimes in order to enhance athletic performance and reduce the risk of injury.


  1. Cook G, Burton L, Hoogenboom B. Pre-participation screening: the use of fundamental movements as an assessment of function – part 1. N Am J Sports Phys Ther 2006;1:62–72.
  2. Kraemer, W J. Exercise prescription: Needs analysis. Strength Cond J 1984;6:47–8.
  3. Newton R, Dugan E. Application of Strength Diagnosis. Strength Cond J 2002;24:50-9.
  4. Sahrmann SA. Diagnosis by the physical therapist–a prerequisite for treatment. A special communication. Phys Ther 1988;68:1703–6.
  5. Mottram S, Comerford M. A new perspective on risk assessment. Phys Ther Sport 2008;9:40–51.
  6. Schwellnus M. A clinical approach to the diagnosis and management of acute muscle injuries in sport: review article. Int Sport J 2004;5:188-199.
  7. Plisky PJ, Gorman PP, Butler RJ, Kiesel KB, Underwood FB, Elkins B. The reliability of an instrumented device for measuring components of the star excursion balance test. N Am J Sports Phys Ther 2009;4:92–9.
  8. Cook G, Burton L, Hoogenboom B. Pre-participation screening: the use of fundamental movements as an assessment of function – part 2. N Am J Sports Phys Ther 2006;1:132–9.
  9. Minick K, Kiesel KB, Burton L, Taylor A, Plisky P, Butler RJ. Interrater reliability of the functional movement screen. J Strength Cond Res 2010;24:479–86.
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Optimal Methods for Gaining Muscle

arnieMuscle hypertrophy – increasing muscle size/promoting muscle growth. Probably the most popular reason for most people joining gyms and/or beginning lifting (alongside fat loss). Gaining lean muscle mass makes you look better and feel better, it’ll also help with fat loss (muscle tissue is highly metabolic/’energy hungry’) and can lead to improvements in strength and power – and therefore sports performance.

Many people join gyms, begin a programme and see results fairly quickly, and these results continue for a few months until the ‘beginner gains’ plateau is hit. At this point things slow right down, frustration sets in, and the person will inevitably quit or at best end up stuck in a rut, miserable, and paying an expensive gym membership for nothing. This usually occurs because trainers and trainees have no understanding of how to trigger muscle hypertrophy (following the initial ‘honeymoon’ period of being a beginner), and therefore don’t really know how to write an effective, science-based programme that progressively produces results and avoids plateaus.

There’s been a plethora of research on muscle growth over the past decade in an attempt to fully understand how hypertrophy occurs and, although it’s difficult to determine for certain, several researchers have some fairly good ideas. One of these researchers is Brad Schoenfeld (, who published an excellent study in 2010 titled “The mechanisms of muscle hypertrophy and their application to resistance training”. This blog post is heavily based on that article and others by Brad Schoenfeld and Bret Contreras.


As previously stated hypertrophy simply means muscle growth and is the opposite of muscle atrophy (muscle loss).

Hypertrophy has two secondary categories;
Transient Hypertrophy – the short lived, post-workout ‘pump’
Chronic Hypertrophy – long term lasting gains, actual changes in muscle architecture (i.e. what we’re training for)

Chronic hypertrophy occurs in two ways according to research –


Contractile/Myofibrillar/Functional Hypertrophy – This involves the addition of sarcomeres (basic muscle units) in parallel. Contractile elements (actin and myosin) also enlarge and multiply and the extracellular matrix (everything else inside the cell) expands. This is deemed ‘functional’ as the tissue that is hypertrophied and supplemented is ‘contractile’ and thus capable of contracting and generating force. This is ‘powerlifter hypertrophy’ to put it simply.

Non-contractile/Sarcoplasmic/Non-functional Hypertrophy – This is the increase in size of the non-contractile elements inside the muscle cell (collagen, glycogen) and sarcoplasmic fluid. This is ‘non-functional’ as it doesn’t directly involve changes to the contractile elements and therefore doesn’t produce changes in force expression. This is ‘bodybuilder hypertrophy’ – big but not necessarily strong. This form of hypertrophy can have knock-on effects which promote contractile hypertrophy – hydration and thus cell swelling may lead to subsequent cell growth due to pressure on the cell wall.

A simple analogy to help understand the difference between sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar hypertrophy is to consider a water balloon. Sacroplasmic hypertrophy is simply filling the balloon up with water, whereas myofibrillar hypertrophy is increasing the size of the balloon itself.


In order to get bigger we need to maximise protein synthesis (create an anabolic environment) and minimise protein breakdown/catabolism. Multiple mechanisms/factors are proposed for this.

Three Main Factors

  • Mechanical Tension
  • Muscle Damage
  • Metabolic Stress

Mechanical Tension
This is a combination of force generation and stretch. It’s the amount of tension that muscle fibres produce when a load stimulus is introduced.
Mechanical tension disturbs the integrity of skeletal muscle, it facilitates molecular and cellular responses that trigger hypertrophy.
There are two types of muscular tension:
– Passive tension – which occurs during eccentric contractions (‘stretching’ a muscle under load)
– Active tension – relating to the contractile elements of the muscle. Occurs during hard, forced contractions of a muscle (i.e. lifting heavy stuff).

Muscle Damage
This is localised damage to the muscle tissue caused by novel/unfamiliar exercise, slow eccentrics (lowering part of the exercise), or forced stretching of a muscle whilst it’s in an activated/contracted state.
It creates ‘myotrauma’ (muscle trauma) which triggers an acute inflammatory ‘healing’ response that stimulates growth factors that mediate and promote hypertrophy.

Metabolic Stress
Putting a muscle under repetitive, sustained stress causes metabolite accumulation which triggers an anabolic response (raises testosterone, IGF-1, growth hormone, and mechano growth factor).
Metabolic stress can be induced best via anaerobic glycolysis (hard, intense exercise with limited amounts of oxygen, lasting 10s – 2min). This causes a build up of metabolites – lactate, hydrogen ion, inorganic phosphate, creatine (amongst others) and promotes an acidic, ischemic, and hypoxic environment in the muscle (which can also trigger hypertrophic adaptations).

All three of these elements are inter-related, and training in a way that optimises and combines all three will produce the greatest results.

Why do muscles get ‘pumped’? When training in a moderate to high repetition range the veins that carry blood away from the working muscles get compressed/squeezed, whilst the arteries (which bring blood into the muscles) continue functioning as normal. This results in a large increase of blood plasma inside the muscles, which will subsequently ‘leak’ out and into the interstitial spaces (spaces between bodily tissues). When these spaces eventually fill up the excess plasma will be pushed back into the muscle thus causing a ‘pump’ effect.

Application to Training

Train with a minimum intensity of 65%1RM (15 rep maximum), in moderate repetition ranges (6-12 reps). This prescription will cause a metabolic build up which boosts testosterone and growth hormone. It will also induce a pump (ischemia and hypoxia) which triggers hypertrophy and an increase in protein synthesis.

Additionally the more repetitions that are completed the longer the time the muscle is under tension which means more microtrauma/damage to the muscle (through eccentric contractions).

For maximum hypertrophy a higher volume, multiple set approach must be taken. Greater volume will stimulate greater growth hormone release and hypertrophy will result.

To facilitate this a body part split routine may be more beneficial that a full body routine as it will allow more regular training whilst still permitted muscles to fully recover. Again, more total reps also equates to more eccentric contractions which results in more muscle damage.

Exercise Selection
Multi-planar and multi-angled exercises must be included to allow for variance in muscular structure (i.e. fibre orientation) and to fully stimulate the entire muscle. Regular rotation of exercises will also make sure of this.

Whilst selecting exercises it’s essential to incorporate a mix of multi-joint and single joint exercises. Single joint (“isolation”) exercises will help to prevent imbalances and can develop weaker areas that may be neglected during compound/multi-joint movements.

Not all exercises are created equal, some lend themselves better to different rep ranges, different tempos, and different focuses (hypertrophy, strength, power). Certain exercises will produce a ‘pump’ effect more easily than others, some will create tension in a muscle better than others, and some exercises are more suited to slow eccentric contractions or tempos that will damage fibres.

Big, multi-joint, compound exercises are best for developing high tension in a muscle and activate the greatest amount of muscle mass – squats, deadlifts, bench presses, rows, pull ups (etc.). Incorporate variations and assistance exercises to ensure all fibres are hit.

Constant tension exercises are best for creating the pump effect – lateral raises, concentration curls, leg extensions (etc.).

Exercises that produce high tension whilst the muscle is in a lengthened state are best for creating muscle damage – dumbbell pec flyes, RDLs, incline curls (etc.). It’s important to be careful with these highly damaging exercises as, although damage is an effective hypertrophic stimulus, excessive damage can prevent you from training and cause more harm than good.

Rest Periods
Moderate (60-90s) rest will allow sufficient metabolic stress, adequate strength recovery, and create a more anabolic environment within the body.

Training to Failure
Training to concentric muscular failure is highly beneficial and should be done regularly (although not necessarily in every exercise/set), it’s important to ensure that the repetitions are still technically good (and safe) – a spotter is usually important here. Reaching failure allows the maximum number of motor units to be recruited and creates high metabolic stress.

Training to concentric failure

Repetition Tempo
A moderate concentric speed (one or two seconds) with continuous muscle tension creates a greater metabolic demand than very fast or very slow repetitions. Slower eccentric repetition speeds are beneficial for hypertrophy as they will inflict more muscle damage and positively affect protein synthesis.

Intensification Methods
Employ intensification methods sparingly to push a set or exercise to the limit. These methods can include eccentrics/negatives, drop sets, rest-pause, cluster sets, supersets, tri-sets, and quad-sets. These methods can trigger additional hypertrophy stimulating signals that can lead to augmented muscle growth over time. Using this as a finisher at the end of a session for the final exercise or final set of the final exercise may be most beneficial and will limit the potential for injury.

In Summary…

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Example Session Structure – Leg Day

Tension A1) Back Squat – 5×5 @ 75%1RM, 90s rest interval, 3 sec eccentric
Tension B1) Split Squat – 3×6 @ 70%1RM, 60s rest interval, 3 sec eccentric
Damage  C1) RDL – 3×8 @ 70%1RM, 4 sec eccentric
Damage C2)  Nordic Hamstring Curl – 3×5 @ BW, 90s rest interval, 4 sec eccentric
Metabolic Stress (“pump and burn”)
Tri Set
D1) Leg Extension – 3×12 , 3 sec eccentric
D2) Leg Curl – 3×12, 3 sec eccentric
D3) Calf Raise – 3×12 , 3 sec eccentric, 60s rest interval
High Intensity Technique Finisher
Rest Pause
E1) Leg Press – 2×10+ @ 60%1RM, 60s rest interval


Schoenfeld, B. J. (2010). The mechanisms of muscle hypertrophy and their application to resistance training. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 24(10), 2857-2872.

Fry, A. C. (2004). The role of resistance exercise intensity on muscle fibre adaptations. Sports medicine, 34(10), 663-679.

Training for Maximum Muscle Growth Explained

5 Strategies for Choosing Exercises

Overtraining and Marathon Running


When training for a marathon an athlete must apply regular exercise-based stress to their body in order to increase their performance, using a method known as functional over-reaching (FO) (Meeusen et al., 2006). FO is where a high degree of stress is placed upon the athlete, resulting in acute fatigue and temporarily reduced performance, but when balanced out with optimal recovery a supercompensation effect occurs where the body adapts and performance improves (McFarlane, 1985).

Balance of imposed stress and adequate recovery
Balance of imposed stress and adequate recovery

However if an imbalance occurs between this stress and recovery, and the acute fatigue is not managed it can lead non-functional over-reaching (NFO), a chronic form of fatigue that can take several weeks to recover from and elicits no performance improvements (Meeusen et al., 2006). Due to the high mileage endured as part of their training, it is estimated that around 65% of distance runners will suffer from NFO sometime in their career (McKenzie, 1999).


When an athlete is in a state of NFO and stress is continually applied, it is possible for them to become over-trained. Over-training is also known as the unexplained underperformance syndrome (UUPS) as it is unclear what the specific cause is, and is difficult to diagnose due to its similarities to NFO. The definition of UUPS is a reduction in an athlete’s performance with no improvement after six weeks of rest (whereas NFO is alleviated in this period) (Budgett, 2000), and is characterised as an abnormal response to training.

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Abnormal response to training (Budgett, 2000)


It should be noted that UUPS is multifactorial, and involves other stressors in addition to exercise, such as inadequate nutrition, illness, psychosocial stressors and sleep disorders, which will need to be accounted for and monitored.


Symptoms of UUPS (Kreher & Schwartz, 2012)

– An unexplained decline in performance
– A recent intense training cycle
– Upper respiratory tract infections (cough, sneeze, sore throat)
– Muscle soreness or feelings of tightness/heaviness
– Altered moods – depression, lack of motivation, lethargy, confusion
– Poor sleep quality/quantity
– Low energy and vigour
– No desire to train or compete
– Changes in appetite/desire to eat

Note: Symptoms of UUPS are individual and it should be down to the athlete, coach and other relevant team/family members to make a diagnosis.
It must be made certain that the athlete is not suffering from any organic diseases or disorders such as, for example, endocrinological/hormone disorders (such as diabetes), anaemia or eating disorders (bulimia or anorexia nervosa), asthma or undiagnosed infections.

Causes of UUPS

Imbalance of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)

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The ANS is a branch of the peripheral nervous system that regulates the function of our internal organs (heart, stomach, intestines), it incorporates the two commonly heard phrases ‘fight or flight’ and ‘rest and digest’. The ‘fight or flight’ aspect is the sympathetic nervous system, it mediates stress responses and an imbalance (dominance) in this system results in it being constantly ‘switched on’ at rest, causing restlessness and hyper-excitability.

The ‘rest and digest’ aspect is the parasympathetic nervous system, and dominance of this system is more common in marathon runners, causing fatigue, mood disturbances and prolonged recovery (Bosquet, Papelier, Leger, & Legros, 2003). This mechanism seems unlikely however, as a study by Pichot (2000) shows an abrupt recovery of symptoms within a week of rest.

Hormonal Disturbance

A disturbance to the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis has been indicted as a potential mechanism of UUPS (Kreher & Schwartz, 2012). The HPA axis is a major part of the neuroendocrine system that controls reactions to stress and regulates bodily processes such as the immune system, mood, and energy storage, and is responsible for the production of adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), cortisol and testosterone.

Cortisol and testosterone are catabolic and anabolic (respectively), catabolic meaning that it breaks down muscle and anabolic the opposite. Cortisol rises during endurance exercise and negatively affects immune function and the production of testosterone (Karkoulias, 2008). Findings are mixed as to whether changes in these hormones relate to UUPS (Mackinnon, Hooper, Jones, Gordon, & Bachmann, 1997; Uusitalo, Huttunen, Hanin, Uusitalo, & Rusko, 1998) however an imbalanced testosterone:cortisol ratio (low testosterone, high cortisol) does indicate the physiological strain of exercise (Halson & Jeukendrup, 2004).

Immunological Causes

Periods of over-reaching cause a decreased level of immune function for a short period following exercise, this ‘open window’ of immune function is largest in endurance athletes (such as marathon runners) due to the prolonged nature of the sport (Gleeson, 2007). Indicators of this immunodepression include upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) (Matthews, 2002) such as sore throats, coughs and sneezes. This could be due to a decrease in immunoglobulin-a (Ig-A), an anti-body found in mucus/saliva (i.e. in the nose, mouth, gastrointestinal tract) that can be diminished due to intense exercise (Gleeson, 2007).

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Smith (2000) suggested a ‘cytokine hypothesis’ whereby intense exercise causes damage to muscles/bones/joints causing widespread inflammation which releases cytokines, signalling molecules that promote inflammation, such as interleukin-6 (IL-6). An elevation in cytokines can have a large number of effects on the body, including ‘sickness behaviour’ due to effects on hormones, reduced glucose transport to muscles, and disruptions in the testosterone:cortisol ratio, all of which lead to feelings of fatigue and symptoms of UUPS. Scientific evidence of this is sparse and has shown that cytokine levels are not imbalanced in over-reached athletes (Halson, Lancaster, Jeukendrup, & Gleeson, 2003) although the same study suggests that decreases in glutamine, an amino acid that is beneficial in many ways to the body, may be indicative of UUPS.


Fatigue and Marathon Running

Fatigue and marathon running are almost synonymous in most people’s opinion, and indeed acute fatigue is a natural consequence of any exercise activity.


Fatigue can be defined as a reduction in the ability to produce or maintain the force required for a given activity (Celine et al., 2011), resulting in greater perceived exertion– an increased sensation of effort (Enoka & Stuart, 1992).

The exact causes of fatigue are unclear, although it has been attributed to the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and the muscles. These causes are more technically referred to as central and peripheral fatigue (Davis, 1995).

Peripheral Fatigue

Peripheral fatigue occurs at or past the neuromuscular junction (the area at which a neuron activates a muscle to contract) and is related to biochemical changes within the muscles metabolic environment that lead to reduced responses to activation signals (Amann, 2011).

p fatigue

Potential causes of peripheral fatigue in marathon running include (Kent-Braun, 1999):

  • Energy depletion –In order to produce energy (in the form of adenosine tri-phosphate – ATP) during prolonged sub-maximal exercise, the body utilises glucose in the blood stream. Fatigue occurs when blood glucose declines due to a disruption to gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis in the liver because of a re-distribution of blood flow.
  • Acidosis/accumulation of metabolites – During anaerobic exercise (such as bursts of speed during a race) the body will use glucose for fuel; a by-product of this is a build up of lactic acid. This results in a build up of hydrogen ions; these inhibit an enzyme called phosphofructokinase (which affects blood glucose regeneration) and can also interfere with the release of calcium which will impair muscle contraction.
  • Excitation-contraction coupling impairment– This refers to a failure of the parts of the muscle fibres needed for muscle contraction and can be linked to the aforementioned decline in calcium release. This impairment has a very slow time course of recovery when compared to the energy depletion mechanism.

Research has suggested that damage to the actual muscle fibres (due to the high volume of eccentric contractions during a marathon (Overgaard et al., 2004) and disruption to the excitation-contraction coupling mechanism is the most likely cause of peripheral fatigue (Ross, 2007).

Peripheral fatigue can also be divided into two subsections due to the stimulation required to elicit fatigue. Low frequency fatigue is demonstrated during electrical stimulation of the muscle at a frequency of 1-20 Hz (roughly equates to exercise such as jogging) whereas high frequency fatigue is shown at 50-100 Hz (activities such as hopping) (Tomazin, Strojnik, & Sarabon, 2002).

Central Fatigue

Central fatigue is related to the central nervous system which consists of the brain and spinal cord, and is often described as an impairment to the central drive to a muscle (central drive refers to the flow of neural activation signals) (Ross, 2007).

c fatigue

It is effectively a reduction in the voluntary activation of muscle and can be noticed when, towards the end of a marathon, an athlete’s running technique becomes sub-optimal (they appear to have ‘heavy legs’), demonstrating that muscle fibres are not switching on fully due to decreased recruitment and firing frequency.

The extreme of central fatigue in a marathon is seen when an athlete ‘hits the wall’.

The most likely cause of central fatigue is due to the effect prolonged sub-maximal exercise has on serotonin in the brain, a hormone responsible for mood, sleep regulation and feelings of lethargy, also known as 5-HT (Cotel, Exley, Cragg, & Perrier, 2013).

Prolonged (primarily) aerobic exercise such as marathon utilises fat as a fuel source, when this fat is mobilised it causes free fatty acids to be released into the blood stream, which then attach to branched chain amino acids.

The regular function of branched chain amino acids is to ‘hold onto’ tryptophan (the pre-cursor to serotonin) to prevent it crossing the blood-brain barrier and producing serotonin. When free fatty acids prevent branch chain amino acids from doing this, serotonin is produced in the brain and central fatigue occurs.

The Central Governor Theory

The idea that there is a mechanism that prevents an athlete from dangerous over-exertion whilst running was originally suggested by Hill,Long and Lupton in 1924 and then renewed by Noakes in 1997 who gave it the term ‘central governor’.


The central governor theory is a function of multiple brain areas (as opposed to an actual area inside the brain); Noakes (2007) explains it as a neural control system that can reduce the activation levels of muscles in order to enforce homeostasis (steady state) in the body. Noakes and others (Hampson, Gibson, Lambert, & Noakes, 2001; Tucker, Marle, Lambert, & Noakes, 2006) believe that if homeostasis is not controlled the body would be capable of causing catastrophic damage to its vital organs and skeletal muscle.

This theory has been criticised in other research (Shephard, 2009; Weir, Beck, Cramer, & Housh, 2006) for several reasons, specifically in that, if the central governor exists, then it should be impossible for athletes to contract hyperthermia and to induce muscle damage and ischemia. Additionally it has been shown that even when voluntary muscle activation is decreased, maximal activation can still occur with the use of electrical stimulation and it does not result in injury, just additional fatigue (Garland & McComas, 1990).